I am slowly trying to transition, but that shit is pointlessly complicated.
@NEETzsche @LukeAlmighty
By miles easier. And you can even play with good performance.
> Apt install SomeProgram. (Let's say Appache for this example)
> Done.
What do you mean done? Where is it installed? No idea. Where is the setting file for the program? No idea. Is the website inside a folder in the program? Nah you silly, it is in a completely different random folder, that it cannot even read because it's lacking permissions. What disk are these files written on? (that's the point where I have to quit. and so far, the disk question is just... why???)
And yes, I know there is some magical system to it all, but so far, it feels like all the guides are made either academic-level complicated on purpose, or just series of commands to copy-paste without any explanation.
@LukeAlmighty which program should reveal the path of program. man which for more information.
There is a system. Just learn it in tidbits, gradually.