I'm more concerned over the fact that America is no longer a democratic republic.

@alyx You’ll be relieved to find out that it still is

Nope. Not when you have the FBI playing political favorites and directing social media to censor stuff. That's not a democracy anymore. Learn from ex-communist soviet countries. We used to have "elections" during Ceaușescu's days. Nobody in their right mind would have said we were a democracy, or would have thought they could vote against Ceaușescu without the secret services coming after them.

@alyx People vote, those votes are counted, whoever gets the most votes wins. That the FBI was colluding with the democrats to censor dissent from their narrative is an issue, but that doesn’t mean America holds mock elections.

@dave @alyx Democracy in a multietnic society is nothing more than a census
Extending the vote to every knuckle dragger in the country means that most of the vote will go to the people who own the media and who promises the most gibs

@VidMasterEon @alyx There are many power hungry psychopaths in the government, who are ready to call you an insurrectionist, if you even mention the thought, that caunting votes is an event of such an importance, that irregularities have to be investigated.
So @dave , where do you find the faith to believe, that these psychopaths did not cheat, when they are already trying to ruin lives of their opponents for asking for a fair election?

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