
2014 -> Noone is comming for your games. Chill out already.


Also, to the philosophical layer.
Why does it always come down to gaming?

@LukeAlmighty because the vast majority of gamers are straight white males and many of us are not just the normies that let everything slide. We're stubborn. We don't like change to them, when it reality we just don't like negative or useless change.

@LukeAlmighty the revolution stops for no one, but i think gamers and weebs generally have a more disagreeable personality than most + are very online and vocal, so we get into clashes with these people or tell them to fuck off more than anyone else. because they're psychos with no hobbies that makes them want to dedicate their life to ruining what we have out of spite
The issue with the entryism theory is that many of the people who shat up the hobby in the early-mid 00s trooned out. I can't find the original viral tweet but there was a popular tweet talking about how Kingdom Hearts fans became girls between 2 and 3 and the replies were WOW THAT IS LITERALLY ME.

There's a difference between an Anita or Zoe Quinn type outsider looking for a community to shit up, and a goony man who changed pronouns. All it takes is for the former to infect the latter.
@PhenomX6 @LukeAlmighty they troon out but there's always new children to groom into being the next suicidal cultist revolutionary to keep the cycle going
Exactly and I'm not ignoring this.

Look at Tumblr and how it's mindset still infects new blood to this day despite being dead over on Twitter. This is why they also infect games, and you'll understand when I say it; they're amazing propaganda tools. Remember during the GG days when there was that whole DARPA rabbit hole about propaganda games?

The mindset matters more than the method here; they know what games are good as and it is as ways of influencing people. So they use it as a weapon, same with other forms of media. Moreso if they're aware of how absent parents are being in the wagecage 24/7 to earn enough for the family with the kid being left to daycare/school/the internet.
@LukeAlmighty Is this a throwback to GamerGate? Because GG and the trans movement are 100% two sides of the very same coin.

☑ Motivated by hatred of women / feminists.
☑ Extreme tribalism, dogma, and group-think.
☑ Widespread disinformation campaigns and lies.
☑ Movement mostly led by men, a few token women.

Nice bait, but I am not in the mood to argue with faggots right now.

Thank you, that has to be the biggest compliment I've recieved in my life :ablobmeltsoblove:

So far, you're the first person who compared me to jews manipulating global financial systems and governments. I might hate these satan worshipping pedophiles, but I never thought myself to be intellectually equal.

That is one hell of a compliment.



Yup, definitely the same level of intelligence as screeching MRAs, TRAs, and all the other clown variations.
> Trans activists being total assholes
feminists: "yes, but they're ESPECIALLY assholes to women!"

lol leave it to feminists to make something even worse
meta-victimization mentality
@LukeAlmighty @LukeAlmighty
"and he vowed to bring the issue into the British Parliament to prevent the game from being sold. Amazon subsequently removed the game from sale on its website.[5] Equality Now urged activists to write to Illusion and then-Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso in protest, arguing the game breaches Japan's obligations under the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women.[6] In May 2009, these actions culminated in the restriction of the sale and production of RapeLay by the Ethics Organization of Computer Software (EOCS), an independent Japanese ratings organization for adult games, making it impossible to purchase the game even in Japan"
@LukeAlmighty I caught a little bit of Critikal's stream of this last night and the entire chat was just people calling him a bigot and chat members fighting. People really do be trying to bully mfs who buy this mid af game

The Jim Pickens dude turned comments off and apologized for taking a sponsor for this game because troons got pressed that he goes outside and doesn't look into ass pain.
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