
cc @dave
This os the exact kind of thing I meant, when I said, that parity with doctors diagnosis is not a goal you should be aiming for.

@Shadowman311 @dave
Or in other way:
Every single smart guy on the planet knew the humans cannot fly, until one idiot thought different.

I do want an AI to make its own deductions, not the same one as the experts.

@LukeAlmighty @Shadowman311 @dave > I do want an AI to make its own deductions, not the same one as the experts.
How are you going to get data for training it. AI is not magic. It just find patterns in data.

@rysertio @dave @Shadowman311
I have no idea what kind of data do doctors have available.

I am also not an AI scientist. All I know is, that AI data needs to be as clear as possible, and if the data is trained against expert diagnosis, then it cannot possibly surpass it.

@LukeAlmighty @dave @Shadowman311 AI marginally surpasses doctors on diagnoses of cancer from x-ray scans due to extrapolation.

@jmw150 @dave @Shadowman311
But that is, because you can train AI easilly on scans, and the "alive" field 3 years later :ablobcool: (or, a binary and quite measurable result)

@jmw150 @dave @Shadowman311
The problem I am taking about with expert data is, that all 3 doctors I mentioned in my previous post believe that they did a good job.

@LukeAlmighty @Shadowman311 It’s not the final goal though? The tweet was highlighting the rapid pace of improvement, not asserting that % of answers deemed correct by a doctor is the be-all end-all for determining correctness of medical advice.

Hell, we’ve had areas where AI algorithms outperform the pros at certain tasks (such as certain types of cancer detection) for years now. Obviously doctors aren’t the ultimate arbiter of truth.

@LukeAlmighty @Shadowman311 If you ask a physicist what the shape of the earth is, and his response is “a sphere”, are you going to throw up your hands and say “well, we can’t trust physicists now. Maybe the flat earthers are right…” since it’s not technically a sphere (it’s an oblate spheroid), or do you still recognize that even though they both technically gave wrong answers, one is still clearly more qualified than the other?

Obviously, you can still make that distinction, and it’s the same with doctors, who until very recently were clearly more qualified to give medical advice than an AI language model. What were they supposed to be using to assess this shit over the past few years? The perfect AI doctor that doesn’t even exist yet?

@dave @LukeAlmighty @Shadowman311 I'd ask a physicist to provide me with a gravitational map of the earth and explain to me how using point-masses are valid in the modern computational era.
@dave @LukeAlmighty @Shadowman311 Did you forget the part about the inability to actually map anomalies, other than declaring the coloring book pictures true?

@polarisera @LukeAlmighty @Shadowman311 “Inability to map anomalies”

Polaris, what is an anomaly in this context? And precisely what is the scale of this anomaly.

@dave @Shadowman311
Why the fuck do you drag flat earthers into this?

Ok, You made your point of being bad faith on this topic. What a shame, since I love the topic of selecting correct scientific experiments so much.

@LukeAlmighty @Shadowman311

Why the fuck do you drag flat earthers into this?

Because I assumed that was an area where you believe that despite being occasionally wrong, the actual experts are still a more reliable source of truth than the cranks that are trying to convince you to ignore them.

The same thing holds true for the medical profession.

@dave @Shadowman311 @Jens_Rasmussen
You cannot compare doctors, who are making a guess based on extremely limited information, and throw random chemicals at you to scientists in a fucking geograpgy (We've been mapping earth down to milimeters. We have satelite images, we know what ground looks like under sea etc), while comparing a computer model to a fucking joke psyop.

That is not a good faith argument. That is a fucking joke.

@LukeAlmighty @dave @Shadowman311 I was thinking more about the medical field in general being more corrupt and with fewer "scientific idealists" than something like physics.

@Jens_Rasmussen @dave @Shadowman311
Well, I meant the fact, that throughout hystory, most practices were more damaging then helpful, and the only reason why we believe that it is no longer so is, that none of the current techniques are disproven by definition of them being current techniques.

@LukeAlmighty @dave @Shadowman311 >most practices were more damaging then helpful
My nigga Luke dissing on humorism? Cmon man.
Ikr, as someone with a sibling who is a doctor, you'd be surprised how much of that field are just guesses from statistics and probabilities instead of molecular level understanding like how many assume it to be.

I don't hate doctors, but it's so obvious, that some of them are just guessing without even checking the facts.

I am an insomniac. I used to have sleep problems since I was a child.

I have asked 3 different doctors for help. Before I could tell them anything about what I have tried, all 3 of them said the same stupid line. "Have you tried not drinking coffee?"

I had these problems years before I had the first coffee of my life, and obviously I know that coffee is the captain obvious answer.

But I cannot trust someone who is just guessing without thinking about my situation. That is risking my life. I feel better off uneducated, but with enough interest to learn about the topic myself.

@Jens_Rasmussen @LukeAlmighty @Shadowman311 Reading comprehension check: does “the same thing” mean that I believe that the scale of the junk science problem is the same in both fields?

@dave @LukeAlmighty @Shadowman311 Yes, in this case you believe the scale of junk science in both fields to be "small" or even "insignificant".

@Jens_Rasmussen @LukeAlmighty @Shadowman311 No, I know that it’s insignificant enough, or small enough, that the assertion still holds true. Your quibbling about how they are less reliable than fucking physics of all things doesn’t change the fact that they’re still more reliable than fucking homeopaths, facebook moms, and internet cranks.

@dave @LukeAlmighty @Shadowman311 Are they more reliable than
A. Doing nothing
B. Using common sense
C. Doing what was done in times past
If they fail one of these then they can be considered unreliable and possibly even a detriment. Doesn't matter if [other group] can be considered such as well.

@Jens_Rasmussen @dave @Shadowman311
And in this study, they were comparing against opinions instead of against results.

Judging AI against opinions means, that if it's more correct then experts, then it gets less points.

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