@LukeAlmighty it's a good skill to have. It was required learning for us in middle school.

@LukeAlmighty - It's manly if it's car upholstery... 💁🏻‍♂️😆

@dave @LukeAlmighty Nothing is stopping you. If you can sew on a button, you can sew larger things. An inexpensive machine will let you do a lot. It's very cheap to buy a pack of needles and thread.

Actually, I was surprised.
I fucked up sewing up a pocket twice, and after that 1h of experiments, I got all the things I needed to start working on........... jacket. :ablobcool:

@LukeAlmighty Calling those fuck-ups is being too hard on yourself. Literally everyone makes mistakes when learning a new skill.

I think you missed my point. It wasn't that I did wrong, but that I am sure, that if you grab a sewing machine, you will also handle it in a few attempts.

It is incredibly easy, and from there on, you can start planning your next suit.

@LukeAlmighty I don’t think I missed your point, I think I just misinterpreted your choice of words. I’ve been too hard on myself when learning a new skill in the past.

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