Sir you're not supposed to BEGIN with the most unhinged point of your video essay.

I did expect the original "no nazis please" pre-programmed nonsense. But did this guy seriously imply, that separation of races based on geographic area didn't exist?

It fucking exists today. Had this idiot ever looked at photos from Africa? How about China? Or Czech republic?

This idiot doesn't believe that races were separate in Medieval times, when they ARE separate even today? What an idiot.

Also, did the guy make an entire video essay with a point, that EVERY GAME should be an absolute race mix, just because he doesn't want it not to be?

That's not only racist, selfish and retarded, but also totalitarian beyond imagination.


Did he make a fucking rant about a black woman not having a "black stereotypical hair" while complaining about black stereotypes?

This dude is clinically insane

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