The President of the Czech Republic Petr Pavel signed Ukrainian heavy equipment, which is going to the front

"We are with you. You will avenge your fallen, you will regain your freedom. Russia, go home!"

From wiki
Czechoslovak People's Army
(1979–1989 )
Czechoslovak Army
Czech Army

But sure.... I am just lying.

@Christi Junior Moscow has launched an unprovoked war. You need to go to #putler and ask him to stop. It's pretty simple. Any person with a functioning brain should understand that. But there are still so many half-apes without functioning brains.
The war was provoked and justified though, sadly. You should do a bit more research. Sounds like you don't really understand the situation and if you keep talking about it you're likely to embarrass yourself further.
@martin @ChristiJunior The DPR and LPR peacefully and overwhelmingly voted to secede from Ukraine and join the Russian Federation. Literally the day that the Russian Federation ratified their inclusion, Ukraine attacked them by shelling civilians with artillery. There is absolutely nothing unprovoked about this war.
@313Chris:hellokitty_headbang: Do you think anybody will eat this cremlin shit? Are you really such stupid?
Ask Girkin about his assault of Slavjansk and then Donbas. Ask little green muzhiks on Crimea about silent assault of Ukrainian territory. ruSSians were first, who shots on UA territory.
Why are you support attacker against facts? You would probably support Hitler in Sudetenland. You are disgusting. You only repeat cremlin lies and ignoring facts.

@noelreports @noelreports @martin @ChristiJunior I have yet to see one good reason why I should care about some slavshit conflict on the opposite side of the planet.

I have yet to see one good reason why I should care about some slavshit conflict on the opposite side of the planet.

So annexation of Kurilas is OKI?
I thought you want them back.
Anyway, even very uneducated person know from ruSSian history, that they will not stop. That's why it's important. Next time they could continue in war on far east and take some more islands.
@martin @Dozu Let's also not forget that Putin is extremely homophobic and has let Chechnya commit a genocide on their LGBT population. Ukraine is just a fraction of Putin's atrocities.
@hachi @martin @Dozu Chechnya killing and expelling their trannies and faggots isn’t an atrocity. It’s an act of national hygiene.

To support the military industrial complex of course.

Y, #putler is trying as hard as possible.

@martin I don't support either side. Both are controlled by central banksters and secret societies. This has been the case since World War I. I've been warning about that since the beginning. Nobody listens to me.

@LukeAlmighty And?
You are just big liar. You know nothing about him and his thoughts.
Learn basics.

I spent my entire life drunk, and upon winning a lottery, first place I visit is a vineyard. Because... I hate alcohol.

Makes sense 🤪

@LukeAlmighty This is a very imbecilic and naive idea that every soldier must like war because he is a soldier. You are probably a small, immature child suffering from admiration for Nazism and the military dictatorship in Russia.

Think before you post.

> You are probably a small, immature child suffering from admiration for Nazism and the military dictatorship in Russia.

How do you suppose I am a fan of military dictatorshio, when I hate the military, and the entire point of my posting is begging you to stop worshipping a warmonger?

Stop watching the TV already. Go outside and talk to people. The world is not binary.

@LukeAlmighty Try to use brain next time.
1. I don't look on TV. You have probably some TV fetish?
2. Who is warmonger? Petr Pavel? He is not. You lie. #putler is.

If war got stopped today, and there would be no change to the Ukie border, would you be happy, or would you insist on putting Vlad on Trial?

@LukeAlmighty #putler will never go to Hague. It's not realistic.
If muscovites leave UA(all UA, including Crimea) I would be happy enough.

If you would be happy, then congratulations. You are not completely lost.

But people like Pekarová or Pavel would not be happy with that. And that is my issue. I cannot support people like that.

@martin @LukeAlmighty why do you call the jew Putin "Putler"? You should call jewtin instead. You're trying to draw parallels between modern day Russia which is a continuation of the soviet union that regularly kills/jails nazis and nazi germany which was anti-communist. Putin called the invasion of Ukraine a denazification special military op. Ukranians were also fighting with nazi germany against the soviet union so why do you support a country that aided Hitler while hating on the country that helped defeat Hitler's 3rd reich and even to this day actually kills nazis that you hate so much? I agree with you that Putin is a war monger and i too dislike Russia but it's completely inaccurate to compare him to Hitler since Putin is a anti-fascist communist who supports everything Hitler would have been against.
@LukeAlmighty @martin @LukeAlmighty
Hurr hurr nothing I saw has any backing, look at dumb picture, I win

You're actually a nigger in the head even if your skin isn't so

Btw, I LOVE that qote.
> Soldiers don't start wars, politicians do.

Why do you think, this war monger switched careers then? When a POLITICIAN says POLITICIANS start wars.... you should listen.

@LukeAlmighty How many wars Petr Pavel started? 0. Does he want to start war? No.
Make homework for #putler.
You are a dumbfuck white nigger and I hope a Russian hypersonic kills you specifically.
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