
So, in Breath of the wild, I dress as a woman, so I can compete in a women's sport and steal the 1st place? :Thinker:

This game was truly ahead of its time

BTW, that wasn't the most progressive part of the Breath of the wild 

The most progressive part is the stealth mission, where you have to bait gangstas with bananas.

@LukeAlmighty 2017 trannies were actually smarter than Current Year trannies, and objected to BotW's cross dressing for pretty much this reason. The idea that dressing up like and pretending to be a woman for various social benefits doesn't actually make you a woman is obviously not a message they want to spread.

Nowadays, they've just gone Full Retard and instead try to push the idea of Tranny Link.
@LukeAlmighty @ChristiJunior @LukeAlmighty this is why they're mad it's confirmed Link and Zelda are in a relationship
@PixelBillion @LukeAlmighty Fandom faggots have been insisting that Link is gay for decades, despite the guy having been a total Player ever since Zelda 2, where he banged prostitutes to restore health.
@LukeAlmighty @ChristiJunior @LukeAlmighty I haven't played Zelda 2 but I remember a romance between Link and Zelda being very strongly implied if not just stated outright in Skyward Sword (been a while since I played it)
@ChristiJunior @LukeAlmighty @PixelBillion Hey, those weren't prostitutes. They were just floozies, eager to put out for the guy who already defeated Ganon.
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