Don't like the sound design?
Fix it.

Hate the maps?
Make your own.

Hate the UI or particle effects?
Download a fix from a fan.

It's absolutely crazy how almost every modern game don't allow people to mod there game in any capacity.

Shit, valve literally abandoned TF2 for almost 5 years now and the community is still creating high quality content and custom modes that's better than any modern games, come up with nowadays.

Valve essentially created a system to where they have unpaid labor and an infinite money machine and all they have to do is pay to keep the servers online.


Trying to explain to execs, that modding actually does in fact sell games...

:omegalul: difficulty: fuck you, no chance.

@LukeAlmighty *Skyrim have's entered the chat*

You can literally re release Skyrim till the planet explodes and they'll always get a return for it.

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