@LukeAlmighty @antihate "autistic people are sensitive about noise"
This is what normies believe smh 🤣🤣🤣🤣

@PurpCat @antihate
Well, I hate when idits just blast music everywhere. (expecially gym, or anywhere, where I'm trying to focus)...

But an arcade? Here comes the big brain...

If I want to play games without anyone bothering me.... I can play at home :blobmindblown:

Arcade is a fucking social place ffs.

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@LukeAlmighty @PurpCat @antihate Too many softcocks these days

More cups of concrete need to be drunk also
@LukeAlmighty @antihate also how can you play arcade games without the music smh
@LukeAlmighty @PurpCat @antihate While I'm kind of numb to arcade, the only reason i would go out of my way to play at an arcade is for a games with unique controls like Taiko or any driving game. If the noise really bothered me i would just get ear plugs or headphones.
@LodedDiaper @LukeAlmighty @antihate modern arcades are bleh tbh, the only good stuff are either the racing games, the games you can't find at arcades anymore, and pinball machines (which make operators struggle because you need actual electrical skills to keep one working).
@PurpCat @LodedDiaper @LukeAlmighty @antihate arcades in america are basically dead outside of small niches in big cities or just not worth going to, they're only a distraction to a larger establishment like mall- which in itself are dying. They tend to be small and shitty and hardly really have any sense of staying.
Compare that to Japan (or even korea) that still has a decent arcade scene that actually has unique games that you can't play easily with a PC or a fighting game scene where you get to interact with people in a circle- which a console/pc at home can never really replicate.
Here in America, you can go to a dave and buster's and play phone games on a big screen.
@Nelenese @LodedDiaper @LukeAlmighty @antihate modern arcades are the most depressing place in a well to do town. Modern arcade games are the most soulless sad games ever and nobody making them has passion.
@WALFTEAM @LodedDiaper @LukeAlmighty @antihate it's gotten better just because of more competition and outsiders tbh

Especially since Stern has lots of competition now. Even Ben heck dabbled in it.
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