@LukeAlmighty @antihate "autistic people are sensitive about noise"
This is what normies believe smh 🤣🤣🤣🤣

@PurpCat @antihate
Well, I hate when idits just blast music everywhere. (expecially gym, or anywhere, where I'm trying to focus)...

But an arcade? Here comes the big brain...

If I want to play games without anyone bothering me.... I can play at home :blobmindblown:

Arcade is a fucking social place ffs.

@LukeAlmighty @PurpCat @antihate Too many softcocks these days

More cups of concrete need to be drunk also
@LukeAlmighty @antihate also how can you play arcade games without the music smh
@LukeAlmighty @PurpCat @antihate While I'm kind of numb to arcade, the only reason i would go out of my way to play at an arcade is for a games with unique controls like Taiko or any driving game. If the noise really bothered me i would just get ear plugs or headphones.
@LodedDiaper @LukeAlmighty @antihate modern arcades are bleh tbh, the only good stuff are either the racing games, the games you can't find at arcades anymore, and pinball machines (which make operators struggle because you need actual electrical skills to keep one working).
@PurpCat @LodedDiaper @LukeAlmighty @antihate arcades in america are basically dead outside of small niches in big cities or just not worth going to, they're only a distraction to a larger establishment like mall- which in itself are dying. They tend to be small and shitty and hardly really have any sense of staying.
Compare that to Japan (or even korea) that still has a decent arcade scene that actually has unique games that you can't play easily with a PC or a fighting game scene where you get to interact with people in a circle- which a console/pc at home can never really replicate.
Here in America, you can go to a dave and buster's and play phone games on a big screen.
@Nelenese @LodedDiaper @LukeAlmighty @antihate modern arcades are the most depressing place in a well to do town. Modern arcade games are the most soulless sad games ever and nobody making them has passion.
@WALFTEAM @LodedDiaper @LukeAlmighty @antihate it's gotten better just because of more competition and outsiders tbh

Especially since Stern has lots of competition now. Even Ben heck dabbled in it.

@PurpCat @LukeAlmighty a small proportion may be sensitive to noise like this, but if you are you're likely avoid an arcade anyway. I think it was more for younger kids that don't have the coping strategies to deal with noise and large crowds of people. Either way, nice to see something a bit more inclusive.

@antihate @PurpCat
It's not inclusive though. It's hostile towards autistic people. It literally says: You cannot have free fun here. And it's THEIR fault.

You are stupid fucking bootlicker vermin that would have autistic men executed in the womb if the political winds were blowing any other way.
@LukeAlmighty @CumskinFoidPuncher69420 @antihate "my kid won't do anything I say and refuses to be molded into my image I guess he has autism :^)"
"Oppositional Defiant Disorder"
>Boy, 16, was given estrogen for behavioral disorder while in L.A. juvenile hall
I'm still mad I got punished for "acting up" because I got up to stretch my legs after several hours of sitting still.
@CumskinFoidPuncher69420 @PurpCat @LukeAlmighty @antihate Prenatal screening and abortion can not coexist without leading to eugenics, trust me if they find a way to detect autism in the womb their going treat us the same as they did with down syndrome.

Thing is people would rather enable a soft genocide then take responsibility for having constant sex.
@PurpCat @CumskinFoidPuncher69420 @LodedDiaper @LukeAlmighty @antihate for a troon this is honestly a massive upgrade, these people should keep their faces completely hidden 24/7
@CumskinFoidPuncher69420 @PurpCat @LukeAlmighty @antihate Transgenderism is partial auto genocide. They can always just blame them for being autistic and keep moving the next target.
@CumskinFoidPuncher69420 @LodedDiaper @PurpCat @LukeAlmighty @antihate right. so people shiould just be forced to put up with you and subsidize your existence
@Nudhul @CumskinFoidPuncher69420 @LodedDiaper @LukeAlmighty @antihate you will put up with me talking about obscure video games and autistic video games, which fictional characters i would marry/befriend, which ones I'd have sex with, some niche hobby, some weird cartoons, and you will be happy.
@Nudhul @CumskinFoidPuncher69420 @LodedDiaper @LukeAlmighty @antihate pov: you have autism and managed to find an autist wife, get the government to fund your lifestyle, and have tons of kids who will not be normies
@PurpCat @Nudhul @CumskinFoidPuncher69420 @LukeAlmighty @antihate The country is autistic hyperborea honestly, respect thier land, and they don't give a fuck what you do on yours.
@PurpCat @CumskinFoidPuncher69420 @LodedDiaper @LukeAlmighty @antihate well thats great and all but i'd rather not have it. it made early life very difficult and unhappy.

@LodedDiaper @CumskinFoidPuncher69420 @PurpCat @antihate @Nudhul
My early life was great.
It was the neurotypical assholes around me, that were the problem, not my autism.

@LukeAlmighty @CumskinFoidPuncher69420 @PurpCat @antihate @Nudhul Both of my parents were ignorant, though my father is pretty much undiagnosed so he was much better then my mother on without even knowing what autism was.
Raising children in the United States is child abuse. I am not trying to be spicy hyperbolic fedi man this is what I earnestly and sincerely believe as fervently as Alex Gleason believes in veganism.
@CumskinFoidPuncher69420 @LodedDiaper @PurpCat @LukeAlmighty @antihate maybe it is, but having generations of strong children who arent tranny shitlibs is the only way to fix that
They wouldn't have been tranny shitlibs if they weren't groomed into it by an abusive, sick, vile, broken society.
It's easier to come out as the opposite sex, by far, in my former circles than it is to say No to a woman and has been for the last decade.
Quite frankly, yes. If the west can tolerate rampaging anarchic freeroam PvP nigger zones you should be able to tolerate bookish nerds that just wanted to code without getting #metoo'd for existing or not being 100% up to date on the latest soul-destroying corporate firmware.
@Nudhul @CumskinFoidPuncher69420 @PurpCat @LukeAlmighty @antihate There's a difference between treating cancer and selectively aborting fetuses that prove to get cancer.
@antihate @LukeAlmighty But is it really loud noises or do they just not like being there and lack the words to elaborate?
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