@LukeAlmighty @antihate "autistic people are sensitive about noise"
This is what normies believe smh 🤣🤣🤣🤣

@PurpCat @LukeAlmighty a small proportion may be sensitive to noise like this, but if you are you're likely avoid an arcade anyway. I think it was more for younger kids that don't have the coping strategies to deal with noise and large crowds of people. Either way, nice to see something a bit more inclusive.

You are stupid fucking bootlicker vermin that would have autistic men executed in the womb if the political winds were blowing any other way.
@CumskinFoidPuncher69420 @PurpCat @LukeAlmighty @antihate Prenatal screening and abortion can not coexist without leading to eugenics, trust me if they find a way to detect autism in the womb their going treat us the same as they did with down syndrome.

Thing is people would rather enable a soft genocide then take responsibility for having constant sex.
@CumskinFoidPuncher69420 @LodedDiaper @PurpCat @LukeAlmighty @antihate right. so people shiould just be forced to put up with you and subsidize your existence
@Nudhul @CumskinFoidPuncher69420 @LodedDiaper @LukeAlmighty @antihate pov: you have autism and managed to find an autist wife, get the government to fund your lifestyle, and have tons of kids who will not be normies
@PurpCat @CumskinFoidPuncher69420 @LodedDiaper @LukeAlmighty @antihate well thats great and all but i'd rather not have it. it made early life very difficult and unhappy.

@LodedDiaper @CumskinFoidPuncher69420 @PurpCat @antihate @Nudhul
My early life was great.
It was the neurotypical assholes around me, that were the problem, not my autism.

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@LukeAlmighty @CumskinFoidPuncher69420 @PurpCat @antihate @Nudhul Both of my parents were ignorant, though my father is pretty much undiagnosed so he was much better then my mother on without even knowing what autism was.
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