
A brief hystory of united states:
Second Red Scare (1947–1957)
A paranoid movement of people who believed, that unless something is done, the US will be full of communist.

US is full of self identified communists...

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@histoire @LukeAlmighty he was right but did it wrong. paranoid anger directed at random smart people is not a good look and doesn't hold up when those people get un-canceled after the population has unfavorable opinions on the wars in Korea and Vietnam.

@why @histoire
Obviously. There was also an additional hystorical context of the commie also meant "russia sympathiser", but the ideas of communish have to be fought directly. And the people who do actually believe it, have to be seen as stupid, but not as inherently evil.

There is some thruth to "hate the sin but not the sinner", and in this case, we saw what hating the sinner did.

@LukeAlmighty did you know the Beatles called out communists? They've got an entire song making fun of them in "back to the ussr" and in "revolution" they make a bunch of jabs too.

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