I have just realized, that Twilight is even 10 times worse then I thought...

It shouldn't be possible, but it always gets worse.

Actual retardation 

I just realized, that Jakob being obsessed with her kid is not just some random pedo weirdness. No, she made him into an ultimate cuck.

Someone, who loves her kid more, then any chance of having a kid of his own, even while he knows the kid is not his, and while she's with Edward.


Actual retardation 

So, the traditional love triangle was "solved" with her choosing a guy, while the other guy becoming the "cucked step father" archetype of in the way a woman sees the idealized cuck role.

I just never "got" that part.

Actual retardation 

@LukeAlmighty That's the thing with these love triangles, is that they don't really get "solved." In the mind of the author, the self-insert Bella character always has the option to jump ships to this Jakob faggot, who is the primal gigachad archetype in every regard, except for the rather important detail that he's completely cucked. Edward is the betabux provider in her mind.

I remember when this series first came out and you had grills cheering Team Edward vs Team Jakob.
@Leaflord @LukeAlmighty I never got into it, but I'll tell you how I know this Twilight stuff: I was into World of Darkness right as Twilight seriously took off.

If you aren't familiar, World of Darkness is a tabletop role-playing game line where you play as the monster. Vampire: the Masquerade (later Requiem), Werewolf: the Apocalypse (later Forsaken), Mage: the Ascension (later Awakening), and so on were all "splats" in this game. There are a ton of other splats that I won't mention here because the list is too damn long. You remember how in the 2000s basically all works of fiction were variations on "it's the real world, but it's more fucked up, and there are vampires and werewolves and shit"? That's all downstream from World of Darkness, which came out in the early 1990s. That series of games was the true inspiration for all of that.

And that includes Twilight. I'm pretty sure the author of Twilight, Stephenie Meyer , secretly played this game while she was in college or something because Twilight itself is full of little WoDisms. For example, in WoD, they gave werewolves this animistic element which Meyer copy-pasted into her novels.

Anyway, WoD was a horror game first. You were supposed to be a monster, and so a lot of the game revolved around acquiring blood points and engaging in these extremely malicious multi-century beefs if you were playing Vampire, territorial-spiritual (in the animistic sense) beefs if you were playing Werewolf, and megalomaniacal wizards with obscura occulta if you were playing Mage. It wasn't a romance game. I can post some illustrations from the books if you like to drive this point home. You'll see exactly what I mean about it being horror, not romance.

So, how does this relate to Twilight and me? Well, right around as that series of novels took off, WoD got an immense influx of new female players. In fact, I would say this was the biggest sudden influx of female TTRPG players ever in my lifetime. Suddenly there were tons of college-aged girls and MILFy bored housewives who showed up looking for their vampire werewolf boyfriend. They all made mortal characters for the most part, and their fantasy was usually something along the lines of getting picked up and "Embraced" (turned) into vampirism and eternal beauty and youth because they got that enchanting je ne sais quoi that all women wish they had. And that fantasy was readily fulfilled by all of the geeky horror nerd guys who played this game, myself included.

Their second characters were almost always femme fatale vampires or super sexy enchantress mages. Now, importantly, not all of these girls were beauty queens, and frankly most of them were kind of ugly, but a lot of them did have a certain sex appeal , and a handful of them were total bombshells, but nearly all of them were loose floozies. I was a young man who had yet to really bloat out, so I went nuts for this shit. This is probably why I never got into the incel ideology; because I was getting laid off of my geek shit in spite of being an objectively ugly man lol.
Girls who play TTRPGs are succubi.
Absolute demonesses. Not exaclty on par with Wattpad readers, but there's often overlap.
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