@galena @sjw @LukeAlmighty @matrix @rein I was talking with some who believed vaccines changed your DNA. I didn't care to argue with him. But honestly there are actually cases I've seen of people getting sick from Flu Shots, especially older people. But instead we spend our time trying to prove autism or "micro-chips" comes from shots. Most real conspiracy have a reason, there is nothing the government or doctors gain from "changing your DNA" ( Ignoring that is impossible excluding radiation ). The reality is that vaccines are drugs, and all drugs have risks. You can not mandate everyone take a drug, because that violates anatomy and each person's health is different. If they acknowledge the actual risks that causes distrust in the government, so they plant false ones to keep people busy and discourage real investigation.
It's why it's bad to be a contrarian, you're just playing into their scheme.
There is a term for these stupid ideas: dead end memes. Something like the moon landing being fake for example, even though it could be true, is a dead end meme that doesn't lead us anywhere. It's not possible to prove, it makes you look crazy in the stereotypical conspiracy way they want to portray you as, it doesn't lead to any useful profound insight, and it doesn't create any compelling important narrative either.
Microchips inside the vaccine is a dead end meme because it just sounds unhinged and it doesn't even touch on any actual problems with the vaccine, which are obvious and visible. There's no need for microchip talk when people are getting blood clots.
They promote people who say these things, and then some of us fall for it and rally behind them unfortunately, just to show up the media, because anything they attack must be true, right?
I always ask myself if something is a dead-end meme or not.