Cyberpunk 2077 is still so fucking impressive looking

@matrix GTX4090, I'm sure normal American folks can afford this fucking price easily, unlike us.

@fyw321 @matrix
This is a normie-centric view.

4060 is a gaming card. 4090 is a buisiness card. While they do work the same way, if your job is 3D modeling, AI or anything else, where waiting 3 times the time means 1/3 the earning, then this card is an investment.


@fyw321 @matrix
Why, when it comes to cars, people think about their needs, maintanance, etc to find the cheapest acceptable option, but when it comes to GPUs, they go:

:poogers: :poogers: :poogers: 4090 platinum edition with liquid nitro cooling. Otherwise, can you really even play the games?

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