There is one fundamental problem I cannot get over. There are obviously christians, who take christianity through a spiritual lense. And I do understand that kind of a religion.

But... I have been listening to christian apologists ever since I was a child. And I know, that this kind of a god was NOT what they were talking about. Neither the first mover nor the Pascal's vager are connected to the inner beauty of the world. The eternal hell I was promised and get threatened by is not connected to the inner piece this connection can bring.

So, even if I accepted this God, I still could never call myself a christian. Because I know, that it does describe something different, then what I would mean.

And yes, it is a problem, that I simply cannot get over. I feel disgust whenever I hear christian language. I will pray for you is closer to an insult then a greatful act.

Have you ever heard of this problem before? What do you think?

@LukeAlmighty I know a lot of new believers no longer will take the label Christian due to reasons just as you quote, preferring to call themselves simply believers, or followers of the way, or Sprit-filled believers, or whatever. I think its mostly semantics and the devil can convince many to use any excuse they can to avoid the gospel. All I can say is seek the Spirit openly and He will find you.

How can you call that a semantics problem though?

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@LukeAlmighty because they aren't actually disclaiming Christianity, just some jerks who call themselves Christians.
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