I almost thought it would be a great post, but he had to make it about climate change :sadpanda:

So fucking close

@LukeAlmighty @moffintosh he didn't even get the line right. It's either the planet is on fire or the oceans are boiling. QA must have been out that day

@thatguyoverthere @LukeAlmighty

It's either the planet is on fire or the oceans are boiling.


@moffintosh @LukeAlmighty the planet is boiling alive is not a common phrase and it really doesn't even make that much sense. Media have used both of the aforementioned phrases to instill fear. He kind of merged them.

It's a shitpost I'm just mocking him. I don't believe human behavior is a major contributor to changing climates (notashitpost). I think we do damage to the planet but most of the solutions to climate change ignore that damage and even increase it (we need to mine all the sand for cities because increased population density is good akshually and all the lithium for batteries, etc).
@thatguyoverthere @moffintosh @LukeAlmighty >I don't believe human behavior is a major contributor to changing climates

you got any good resources against the basic principle? (CO2 absorbs more infrared and therefore will lead to warming)
trying to understand a bit more.

PLEASE DO NOT SEND ICE CORE SHIT, I know it was warmer in the past, that's not the point.

@WandererUber @moffintosh @thatguyoverthere
How about the balancing principle of CO2 helps the algy to grow in sea, changing the color, therefore changing the reflective properties of the earth surface?

@LukeAlmighty @WandererUber @thatguyoverthere Then where the fuck is it?
I had to take a heavy jacket to go out in my town in september less than 10 years ago.
Today I went ouside in a T-shirt and I was sweating

@moffintosh @LukeAlmighty @WandererUber Tonga Eruption might be partially responsible for your warmer weather. The planet also isn't a static environment. Everything revolves around cycles. The climate has been warmer and cooler in the past and it will be warmer and cooler in the future. Most people complaining about climate change live in cities. Weird since they are almost guaranteed to be the most detached from nature. It's almost as if most of the warming happens in and around them and not in the areas where natural landscapes are allowed to exist unadultered.


@thatguyoverthere @LukeAlmighty @WandererUber

Tonga Eruption might be partially responsible for your warmer weather.

Dude, the whole fuckimg issue is OLDER than a single year. Not to mention that if anything the volcanic erruption would LOWER the temperature

The planet also isn't a static environment. Everything revolves around cycles. The climate has been warmer and cooler in the past and it will be warmer and cooler in the future.

Amd here's the thing: we're supposed to be in an ice age


Most people complaining about climate change live in cities.

Most people live in cities. The straight majority of the human populatiin does.

Weird since they are almost guaranteed to be the most detached from nature. It's almost as if most of the warming happens in and around them and not in the areas where natural landscapes are allowed to exist unadultered.

That's sophistry. Not only cities are more sensibke to temoerature rises (asphalt), but the warming doesn't just "in the areas where natural landscapes are allowed to exist unadultered", it's planet wide and affects all the ecosystems, increasing desertification and destroying crops, which can easily affect cities.

@moffintosh @thatguyoverthere @LukeAlmighty >the volcanic erruption would LOWER the temperature

>[climate change is] increasing desertification
you know almost nothing of the natural world outside of mass media and it shows. take the blinders off.

For the record: I believe in climate change.

@WandererUber @LukeAlmighty @thatguyoverthere

you know almost nothing of the natural world outside of mass media and it shows. take the blinders off.

I'm living it my fucking town. Tornadoes went from totally unknown to occurring twice a year, while almost killing my brother 3 years ago.
You're the one with the blinders on

@moffintosh @LukeAlmighty @thatguyoverthere This has nothing to do with what I said nor the context in which I said it to you.

@moffintosh @WandererUber @thatguyoverthere
never ask a question you don't want the answer to

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