
My sister once told me
> Why the fuck aren't all cities full of apple trees?

And since then, I never looked at humanity the same way.

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@LukeAlmighty Do you want to eat gas fume filled fruit? We already breathe in enough cancer as it is.
Imo it's probably because cleaning fallen fruit is an additional cost and also those tiny holes in concrete for planting trees in cities make them die prematurely

> Do you want to eat gas fume filled fruit?
I have cash. But not everyone does.

Also, there is a concentration problem. Obviously, one tree in the city would be a bad idea. But if you plant enough of them, then the concentration will get lower.

Yes, I know it would not be the healthiest of fruits, but I still think, would be better then the current food costs. Especially for the homeless.

@LukeAlmighty @matrix they have to have shit like Bradford pears and not the real ones
@LukeAlmighty @matrix Mine has plenty of them, throwing apples at each other seems to a popular pastime for students.
@LukeAlmighty @matrix You wanna know why? I'll tell you why. Apples aren't true to seed. You'd have to have a massive cloning operation for them and shit

However, in California, there are just fuckin wild orange, fig and other fruit trees in many less urban cities, like Sacramento and San Luis Obispo (source: I saw them myself and ate fruit from them), so I get your sentiment that there should just be wild fruit trees everywhere.

Also I have a cherry tree literally next to where I live but it doesn't produce fruit, not sure how those trees work, I guess they need human management, or whatever pollinates it isn't in the area.
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