Yes, the slowdown caused by windows downloading candy crush randomly is just not acceptable on a handhald.
Also, there is an insane theme with the handhelds, that: They are making them bigger and heavier. Steam deck is ALMOST too heavy as it is.
Valve added the ability to limit FPS, to make your gaming less demanding. GREAT CHOICE. Clones? HI RES 144FPS displays..... WHY?
@LukeAlmighty "look, almighty Valve has only n FPS, but we have more"
Yeah, this rant begun, because I saw Legion Go in shop. My first thought was: Amazing, they have deatachable controllers 🤩
And after that... The more I looked at it, somehow, it just looked more and more disgusting...
@LukeAlmighty the why is easy here imho. It can have bigger numbers and more fancy words on the store front, so more kid people tend to buy it.