so many "people" lose their minds over a sexy lady in a videogame

> Improbable clothing.
Improbable........ clothing........

Is that an anti-Darwinist argument? What are the chances of you throwing a ball of wool into a box, shake it and expect clothing to come out?

@LukeAlmighty >improbable clothing

I hate that argument too. What does it matter if it's improbable? Clothing can be whatever the creator wants for a fantasy or non-hard science fiction setting. Maybe there's some magic or force field or something that makes it work, or maybe it just doesn't matter. I don't want everything to be "realistic" (read: ugly) and boring.

Not only that, but the phrase implies luck. But people choosing to look good is hardly a luck based system.

If men's clothing included fashionable choices, I would wear them too. (and since I realized, that Cosplay does in fact work, I DO choose to wear it as often as it's possible.)

Fashion is a choice. And is a civilization can afford to add it, they will. Ever wondered, how Genshin got so popular with young girls?

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