
Does a person have right to end their own life?

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Would you be willing to assist your family/best friend?

even if he doesnt, no one can stop someone outside of chaining him to his bed if he really wants to do it.

It's sad, but not everyone can do the deed themselves.

But the question was more about how uncomfortable some people are with the concept.

oh, we are talking about the terminally frail.
yeah, they should get to decide to pull the plug/no longer accept support.
@Jens_Rasmussen @LukeAlmighty Everybody as the right to off themselves but just remember you leave a trail of destruction that others must deal with

@ShtPoastAnon @Jens_Rasmussen @Dan_Hulson
I mean, yeah.
Imagine someone's life being so miserable, that they kill themselves, and your first reaction being: But what about me???

@LukeAlmighty @Jens_Rasmussen @Dan_Hulson I meant not my problem as in the mess I leave after I off myself. but there's clean up crews for that i guess.
@LukeAlmighty @ShtPoastAnon @Jens_Rasmussen People who kill themselves are twats and selfish and the damage they do to everybody around them is atrocious
@LukeAlmighty @Jens_Rasmussen @ShtPoastAnon My Girlfriend killed herself when I was maybe 20 and she fucked up my life for several years with that bullshit

@Dan_Hulson @Jens_Rasmussen @ShtPoastAnon
In that case, I will try to not open any more wounds today when it comes to this topic.

@Dan_Hulson @LukeAlmighty @Jens_Rasmussen @ShtPoastAnon My best mate killed himself a few days before my 20th. It's always a stupid thing to do. Very few exceptions, and they aren't relevant.
@CatLord @LukeAlmighty @Jens_Rasmussen @ShtPoastAnon Aye I lost a few to suicide. As they say, it is a permanent solution to a temporary problem
To be fair, that is hardly anyone's best option despite what they may believe at the time. Death is quite final, while life is full of opportunities.
Suicide is indeed the coward's path.

@LukeAlmighty ideally, a person would have the right to do whatever they want with themselves provided it doesn't affect anyone else.

but the second part of that sentence is the first issue, and it's more of a gray area. someone ending their own life will have a massive affect on everyone else in their life, whether big or small.

the other problem is that these people who would end their own life are not usually in the head space of making a decision like that with actual confidence.

the only time i can accept such a thing is if someone is quite literally on their death bed and the only thing keeping them alive is hospital machines.

> the other problem is that these people who would end their own life are not usually in the head space of making a decision

In this topic, I actually agree..... sliiiiightly.

There are cases, (and it's a lot of them), where people kill themselves as a result of sudden stress. This happens after SA accusations for example. In that case, I absolutely agree.

But, how long does a person have to feel suicidal, before it's ok? A Week? Month? You cannot call it, that they aren't in a good headspace, if that is their existence, and the exact thing they want to solve.

@LukeAlmighty this is something that can be solved in many ways other than offing yourself. if someone is seriously considering doing that then they haven't thought it through enough. that can be anything from someone spontaneously killing themselves to someone being dissatisfied with their life for the last 10 years and it building over time to the point they kill themselves. the amount of time that has passed is different from the amount of time spent thinking, and especially what that thought was during that amount of time.

but whether or not someone has the right to do it is completely irrelevant. they'll do it whether or not they're legally able to because they won't have to deal with whatever comes later. i do not personally think you have a God-given right to kill yourself. that doesn't mean i can't sympathize, but i don't think it is the right thing to do in 99% of circumstances and suggesting it is someone's "right" to do it is not a safe way to frame it.

@beardalaxy @LukeAlmighty >ideally, a person would have the right to do whatever they want with themselves provided it doesn't affect anyone else

Unless you live on a desert island anything you do has externalities. So, ideally a person should have no right to do what they want?

If someone is living in misery for the benefit of others, is that not itself a negative externality that should be avoided? People talk about suicide being selfish, but is expecting someone else to live for your benefit not?

@applejack @LukeAlmighty that's not quite what I mean but I can't really explain it well and I don't have the time to think about it right now lol

@LukeAlmighty Suicide is the cowards way out, they don't "have" the right per say but they did it anyways.

What authority gives you the confidence to say, that they deserve to suffer for years to come?

@LukeAlmighty I just understand what the truth is, there is nothing respectable in giving up.

Of course they do. They possess themselves. It is a moral choice they must make. Many of the smarter religious people I know suggest it is a wrong choice, and those of us who mourn ancient suicides can empathize with that but also with the person wanting exit.

Big point is however that laws which cannot be systematically enforced weaken the law itself. What are you going to do if someone kills himself, execute him? Jail his corpse? Fine his estate? lol

Dammed to tell, end of my life
Wrath of God - Satan
Sin my soul, blesses with fire
Throne of stone - Satan
I must die, in my wake
Seventh gate - Satan
Suicide, end my life
I must die - Satan

Suicide sacrifice, thrust of evil deep inside
Lucifer never lies, take away thee mortal life
Demigod, Satan son, commend to body to the ground
Father Satan, I'll find peace when I am God
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