
130 euros for a SP game
Yeah, I think I'll just play some 10yo game instead.

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@All_bonesJones I know. It's hilarious.
My parents are still playing Heroes of might and magic 3. They have been playing that game for 15 years now? Maybe even 20???

Once you find a great game, you can spend thousands of hours on it. I am actually surprised, that the number isn't closer to 85%.

@All_bonesJones From the people, who brought you female bright eyed Luke Skywalker comes a new hero.
A female bright eyed Han Solo.

I am so tired of women, who obviously know they have plot armor, and the new trailer screams californian "I am a hero now, you gotta deal with it" writing.

The only thing I think is sad about this game is, that it will be first place many people will see commando droids.

Also: First sentence of the trailer...
The most powerful crime families...
>>> This is a chance to make millions. <<<
So, About a price of a single CR90?

@LukeAlmighty my honest heartfelt opinion is "who gives a shit." mainline star wars hasn't put out something good in 41 years. caring about star wars because some movies were good 40 years ago seems like a waste of time. it's a mostly bad soon to be dead series

12 years.
You meant 12 years right? I know you mis-clicked. Don't worry, everyone makes mistakes.

@LukeAlmighty so are star wars fans the sonic fans of movies then, who'll swear up and down sonic 06 is a good game

Wow, thanks for just a slightly insulting comparasion :omegalul:
But no, prequels were not good. They are great.

Episodes 4-6 were just an average heroe's jurney. Sorry, but they are just boring at this point. There are other stories to be told, but most adults don't understand the concept of a different story structure.

When you look at the fairytales, most of them were tragedies. And I don't mean that in a greek sense, but in the sense, that the story itself was formed around a warning.

@All_bonesJones @LukeAlmighty Yeah but people think "six year old game" means something from the sixth or early seventh gen, and not Fortnite or PUBG or other evergreen esports shit that's been out for a while.

Don’t buy just pirate it, it’s their fault anyway.

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