SFO never fails to disappoint.

> No theories came true. Election was not stolen. 😒

> Lockdowns didn't lead to total dictatorship
This one is just painful. He cannot even deny, that lockdowns did happen, so he just choses the most extreve mersion, that did in fact fail, and ignores all that did happen. :soyscream:

@LukeAlmighty He was quite against the lockdowns when they were going on.
He might be giving a bit extreme positions but both of them very popular with a significant chunk of the right.

Yes. And I remember, that our government outright came out saying, that they did want to make the vax mandatory, but didn't only because the percentage of population protesting was way too big.

It's just stupid to see the extreme event that did happen, and use it as an example of negative, because it just didn't go far enough.

@LukeAlmighty @matrix Tbh the covid thing was never going to lead to a full take over, the economic side reveals that its more about making people poor.

@dcc @matrix
Yeah, but I just hate, when people reduce these issues to the most insane "theory", to ridicule opposition.

Whenever for instance I mentioned to dad how new the jab was, and the time it takes to do a full testing, he would always respond with "muh microchip"...

It's so retarded. It serves nothing but to kill conversation. And every opinion has one insane advocate to point to.

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