
Why does it feel like most women are incapable of assessing for danger around them?

While, I will try to ignore the recent obvious trend of literal retards claiming that women would rather be stuck with a bear, I've noticed, that women are seriously less afraid even of drug addicts etc.

That's so weird. 🤔 And obviously, I cannot wait for 10 messages containing nothing but slogans and lame jokes.

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@LukeAlmighty it's not "incapable of assessing", it's "desensitized due to prolonged and continuous exposure"

A girl literally told me, that she didn't notice a guy had twitches, insane speaking speed (with spaces between sentences), and a quite bad case of smoker voice... And erradic topic changes........

But I kinda expected you to respond with that :kekw:

@LukeAlmighty then don't waste anyone's time when you know the answer already 💅

They are not incapable of assessing the danger, they desire to be protected and defended by someone who is dangerous. They are incapable of predicting when that danger will be turned against them and of having a fucking spine and leaving the very first time that it is.
Maybe because lots of women have adopted the privilege scale as their own danger meter.
More privilege=more danger.
White men will gag and rape them because privilege, but black dudes totally wouldn't do that because they have no power in society (lmao)

It also doesn't help when the last 3 generations of women have been told that they can do anything men can do (aka they can hold their own in an altercation with a man (lmao))
They hold the belief above while simultaneously thinking that no one would ever punch a woman because the White dudes they grew up around never did, no matter how mouthy and disrespectful they got.

tl;dr: women have been lied to and they ate it up like a starving hobo
@LukeAlmighty need the chart that shows libtards care more about plants and rocks than their own family
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