This is clipped segments from Nobody Special's live show. I just want to emphasize what he says at the end:

...*the capitalists, we gotta start policing this stuff*...

I'm curious to hear what should be done to prevent situations like this, and would like to see those involved jailed for what is highly likely illegal in some form already.

As a Canadian, who does live under single-payer, I will add that the same problems that allow this to happen also make the public option worse. No matter what your system is, accountability is crucial.


Do I understand correctly, that the hospital was BOUGHT? So, it was not only a private company, but a publically traded one?

Because, lately I am starting to strongly believe, that publically traded companies are a mortal wound in all of capitalist systems.
Great and underrated point.
If somebody wants a great deep-dive on the implications,
this lecture is excellent.

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