Whis is obviously insane, but how did they geet it so wrong?

47? Who the fuck even knows about 47?
Crash? I barely know he exists.
Shadowheart? She is in ONE game.
Sackboy? :omegalul: Cannot wait to hear all the deep lore about that Sony mascot, that impacted the gaming community with 1 gif....

@LukeAlmighty Time to make a quasi artibrary better top 10 out of the ones already on the list:

1: Mario, he's literally more known the Mickey Mouse IIRC
2: Sonic, while not as big as he used to be he's still got wide regard
4: Master Chief
5: Solid Snake (Could also put Naked Snake/Big Boss here as they did use his pic)
6: Link
7: Steve (though admitedly most people who play the game use custom skins, mine's currently BB lmao)
9: Pac-Man
10: Sackboy

1) Steve deserves to be AT LEAST number 5, since he is not only from the most successful game of all time, but also defined a generation to such a level, even boomers will recognize him. (even if not by name)
2) Sackboy is out. He is an artificial mascot, that never broke out of it's niche. I would suggest Cloud instead, even if only because of alll the nintendo centric millenials.

Also, this list is literally missing Arthas, so it's invalid by default.

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@LukeAlmighty Fair point about Steve, and Sackboy’s at the bottom for a reason, maybe Laura would have been a better choice for that spot, Cloud’s before my time so not sure how big he was
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