
Whis is obviously insane, but how did they geet it so wrong?

47? Who the fuck even knows about 47?
Crash? I barely know he exists.
Shadowheart? She is in ONE game.
Sackboy? :omegalul: Cannot wait to hear all the deep lore about that Sony mascot, that impacted the gaming community with 1 gif....

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> Arthur Morgan...
I don't know the name, I don't know who he is, and I would definitely not be able to recognise him even on a poster.

Gaming Journalist having a gaming journalist-moment.
@LukeAlmighty Time to make a quasi artibrary better top 10 out of the ones already on the list:

1: Mario, he's literally more known the Mickey Mouse IIRC
2: Sonic, while not as big as he used to be he's still got wide regard
4: Master Chief
5: Solid Snake (Could also put Naked Snake/Big Boss here as they did use his pic)
6: Link
7: Steve (though admitedly most people who play the game use custom skins, mine's currently BB lmao)
9: Pac-Man
10: Sackboy

1) Steve deserves to be AT LEAST number 5, since he is not only from the most successful game of all time, but also defined a generation to such a level, even boomers will recognize him. (even if not by name)
2) Sackboy is out. He is an artificial mascot, that never broke out of it's niche. I would suggest Cloud instead, even if only because of alll the nintendo centric millenials.

Also, this list is literally missing Arthas, so it's invalid by default.

@LukeAlmighty Fair point about Steve, and Sackboy’s at the bottom for a reason, maybe Laura would have been a better choice for that spot, Cloud’s before my time so not sure how big he was
@LukeAlmighty How was this determined? That it is from the BAFTA tells me that this fake and gay list must likely came from stuffy British (((journalists))) who barely know how properly aim in an FPS and couldn't tell you what B-Hopping is, among all the other real genres.
@SuperSnekFriend @LukeAlmighty After a quick check, apparently it was a few thousand people in the UK that determined this, and they didn't reveal their methodology. A much better way to put together a list is to pull all the main characters from the list of best selling game franchises wherever they have a single recognizable primary character. It should look something like this:

1. Mario
2. Pikachu
3. Steve
4. Sonic
5. Link
6. Lara Croft
7. The red dead guy
8. Master Chief
9. Goku
10. Kratos

Obviously a lot is debatable, especially order, since "iconic" isn't a particularly discrete concept.

@LukeAlmighty >BAFTA

shadowheart and astarion will probably be forgotten in 5-10 years. surely they aren't popular enough that you could show a non-gamer their face and they'd know who it was. hell, fucking 2B is more popular than they are. it's just more bg3 dick sucking for some reason.

agent 47 is actually pretty popular, despite the games not being all that popular pretty much any time anyone sees a bald guy with a suit in public they're immediately like "oh it's hitman."

steve should be way higher up there. crash was a sony mascot all throughout the 90s and was supposed to be competing with mario more or less. definitely not as popular as sonic since he never broke out of video games, but still pretty damn popular.

ain't no way lara croft is above mario, sonic, pikachu, or pacman though. i'd say probably not even over link or master chief. scuffed ass fuckin list lmao.

@Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @LukeAlmighty if you asked any non-gamer who they were they would not be able to tell you, not a snowball's chance in hell. i'd say 4/5 of my close friends probably wouldn't be able to name them either, only one would get it and that's because he actually played the game.

also where tf is kirby, i feel like everyone knows kirby too. or sans???

I would give some more love to Lara, but her owners aren't giving Lara any love either, considering, that they're actively making her into some always angry warrior for justice lately.

@LukeAlmighty yeahhh it's a lot more subtle than others but they're still doing it. They apparently uncensored the new remaster pack or whatever so that's cool at least.

> Subtle
I wish it was...
Here's a challange. This is a trailer to new Netflix series.

Find me a single frame where Lara smiles please :omegalul:

@LukeAlmighty.... Does she have to smile in the trailer? It'll probably be great for the normies but I have no interest in it whatsoever. Much like castlevania. The witcher animated movie was pretty cool though I gotta say.

Well, she looks more always-pissed off then Eren fucking Yeager. So, the only thing she have left from the original Lara is bodytype and name.

>Two baldurs gate characters on the same list
I know kotaku niggers use the game as fap bait but come on.

At least Astarion has an active army of horny fangirls, but shadowheart is an insane fucking stratch.

@LukeAlmighty The list is too long. There are only something like four or five characters from any give "video game" series people know about on average, and the rest are all niche bound/era exclusive to fandoms. Most of them are Sega, Nintendo, and Capcom characters. Retarded click bait shit articles like this don't care, and will go out of their way to pass trash off as content to try and stay relevant/alive as they ironically undermine their very existence by doing this each time they do it. Like a man flailing about when he falls into the water instead of calmly swimming.
@LukeAlmighty 1: Mecha Hitler
2: Mario
3: Doomguy
4: Sonikchu
5: Neco Arc
6: Dagoth Ur
7: Angry VIdeo Game Nerd
8: Gordon Freeman (Ross Scott)
Not the fucking sackboy, I dont think I ever seen or heard about anyone playing whatever that is.

Ah yes I fondly remember playing as Pikachu in my youth 🙄
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