Here is the anwser for the slow americans.

It is, because when it comes to moral questions, most christians use God as the begining, middle and the end of the entire argument. Therefore, when someone rejects God, not only do they reject your entire justification in all 3 steps, but also they see, that you had to use God to justify these moral opinions, and they just assume, that the oposite must be true.

But, as an atheist in an atheist country, I lived through childhood in a place, where logic chain God -> God -> God was NOT used, and the real moral questions were therefore discussed on their actual value. And guess what? We did find real justifications to hold the same opinions.

@LukeAlmighty it's because most atheists are atheists because they hate the church and hate God, not because they just don't believe or were raised in the absence of religion. That's my guess at least, from what I've seen in the US where lots of people are still raised in religion and become atheists later.

Personally, I know that "because God says so" is a stupid answer, and it actually leads people away from God. Just like when your parents say "because I said so" and it makes you angry at them because they won't give you a real answer. There ARE answers for things and I think many things DO have objective morality, with or without God.


Yes, I tried adding that part into my post too.
I just saw this on the Twatter, and the responses were exactly as retarded, as you would expect, so I wanted to get ahead of the topic at least here.

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