
funniest thread in months.
> How do we reach these people
> i blocked so many biggots right now :ablobcool:

This is the level of thinking an average liberal is capable of. And it does point to a real issue, that a movement constructed around the destruction of all that is holy suddenly has issues with people lashing back.

I highly recommend you giving this thread a read, and adding your 2 cents 🤣

This is how they always are. Sometimes they float the idea of reaching out and showing empathy because they've been told empathy is good, but they never seriously try to understand the other viewpoint, because to do so would morally taint them.
@LukeAlmighty The only time I hear about Tate is when pederasts like your specimen use him as a strawman. He's clearly in the bubble, which only makes it funnier to burst.
@LukeAlmighty Another faggot retard that doesn't understand how the fediverse works.

@LukeAlmighty these bitches are always so close to forming a coherent empathetic thought but then suddenly revert to their primordial brain when met with the slightest bit of conflict

@LukeAlmighty To be fair, people were just spamming him for the sake of spamming him. Plenty of easy openers, something like Rotherham or any other entry-level redpill would've worked better.

Nah. He got a few extremely well articulated requests for conversation too, but he loves his blocking spree much more, then he cares about the men.

@LukeAlmighty he really just said that to farm brownie points with his fellow demons
normal people ill need a savior like that
He doesn't understand that we don't have a problem with his ideas, we have a problem with him and how he lives.

The problem is faggots openly being faggots and we want less faggots because the world would objectively be better with fewer faggots.
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