
> I sometimes see the things the right talks about and go: Why are you banging about this all the time?
> The trans thing is important and of course protecting kids..... but... They're constantly talking about it, like it's the only thing to talk about....

Ok.... Shut up jew... No, seriously.
Protecting kids is on a survival level need. It is exactly on the same level as having food, water and shelter. If you fail on any of these topics, it's the fucking end. And our society is failing on THIS LEVEL. So no, nothing else is important, until these problems are solved.

@LukeAlmighty In a famous argument about the goodness of human nature, Confucian scholar Mencius said... "The reason why I say that all humans have hearts that are not unfeeling toward others is this. Suppose someone suddenly saw a child about to fall into a well: anyone in such a situation would have a feeling of alarm and compassion—not because one sought to get in good with the child’s parents, not because one wanted fame among one’s neighbors and friends, and not because one would dislike the sound of the child’s cries. From this we can see that if one is without the feeling of compassion, one is not human."

Motherfuckers understood in even fourth century BC, that if you don't have basic compassion then you're kind of just fucked in the head

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