Sometimes, I wonder, what the fuck is so complicated about Star Wars, that most people cannot understand it...

Dark side always bad
Grey jedi are not possible
Every force sensitive's mental state is affecting the existence itself
Free dark side entities must be eradicated

What is so fucking difficult about this?

@LukeAlmighty If we are going by expanded universe rules(let's completely ignore Disney bullshit), then the original "Jedi" were "Grey Jedi" in practice. I am of course talking about the Je'daii Order who meditated on both sides of the Force to achieve balance, but were basically the same positive force in the galaxy as the subsequent Jedi Order.

There was also Mount Sorrow.
I don't see many people defend mount sorrow.

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@LukeAlmighty There is a mountain of a difference between the two subjects in question. Pun intended.
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