> "the holocaust's biggest impact was the Jewish community"

I am not a fan of inter-website vagueposting but it gets so much funnier, I've been laughing for 10 minutes at least

The LGBTQIA+ definition has been evolving since the 1970s. “Initially ‘gay’ served as an umbrella term, mostly for gay men and lesbians. In the 1980s, we see the addition of ‘lesbian’ — for example, the National Gay Task Force became the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force,” explained Del Rio.

B and T entered the picture in the late 1980s and early 1990s, according to Del Rio. “The 1993 march on Washington was for ‘Gay, Lesbian, and Bi Equal Rights,’” she said. Organizations began changing their names to include LGBT or LGBTQ in the late '90s and early aughts. “It has been a consistent evolution to reflect the growing diversity of our community.”


Sure... Nazis were prosecuting political movement, that didn't exist until 1970s.

@LukeAlmighty well, gays and lesbians and bisexuals definitely did exist, and they burnt quite a lot of proto-troon manuals and research... but I don't remember anyone claiming to be a genderfluctuating demiboy despite all the nazi danger, lmao


Unless I see a single reference of Nazis burning a Deergender, I think we can clearly close that claim as false.

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