I've been awake for 28h hours now minus few 5 minute naps, because I'm having trouble coughing up all the phlegm and the medication for dissolving it doesn't seem to be helping that much. I think I'm running on adrenalin from the almost constant feeling of a George Floyd cosplay.

Honestly, it's pretty bad. If I don't appear in like 24 hours I'm in better case in a hospital and in the worst case dead.

It got better but the next day it got worse. Now I'm in a hospital. I had to call an ambulance. First time.
I fucking hate hospitals. EMS doctors arrived in 5 minutes and before they were done ambulance arrived. Then I waited 8 fucking hours in the ER for them to properly process me and give me a bed and the antibiotics etc I need and am here for.

I'm home, but I'm not much in a better shape. Holy fuck this has been the worse hospital stay I've ever had.
They nurses couldn't even take a blood sample. "Can't take it due to skill issue? Don't need it LMAO"
I got to experience modern treatment of cough: Inhaling construction dust in 32C weather.
They found that after 5 days yeast infection grew up from my initial swab. It took them 3 days to give me medication for it and they didn't even fucking tell me, nurse just came one day with a new pill and asking the doctor was a huge nuisance.
They couldn't even write the correct information in the fucking release note.

Fuck this fucking shit. I either caught a new infection or the antibiotics they gave me in the hospital didn't fucking work and it's back.

I don't think the new antibiotics are working...


@matrix So, you are fighting for 3 weeks now?

Man, I hope you get well soon.

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