
Wait a minute. Russia is actually banned from the olympic games?

You absolute insane maniacs. How could you be so petty and childish as to defecate on the old myth of holy Olympics games that allowed nations to get over petty wars?

This was the ONE PLACE where you literally had the obligation to show the good will you bastards.

@LukeAlmighty America/EU and good will? No such thing :02laugh: we’re all “led” by petulant, evil children.

@RehnSturm256 @LukeAlmighty children don't deserve being compared to them, they are satanists

@LukeAlmighty Yet, they don't blacklist America for allowing states to continue genociding trans and non-binary people.

Exactly. I would also hang all people who stand by while children are being chemically castrated.

Glad to see we agree for once.

And I don't even care to watch it.
Because I heard that term before, and it's bullshit term made to flip morality of action using language games.

Genocide means destruction of genome. Either through murder or castration. Allowing people to transition is genocide. Don't try to language game around me.

So, I took a look, just because I am autistic that way...

Are you mentally challenged? I told you already, that I agree, that childern should be protected from castration, and you send me a video describing methods used to protect kids as a proof, that it's hurting them?

Think before you post FFS!!!

Why do I even bother. Your entire philosophy is based around forcing people to publically lie about the most obvious biological fact, that all humans need to understand for their multi-generational survival as well as fulfilling life.

You guys love the concept of forced lie, to troon genocide ain't even special. It ain't even the most obvious lie. But I am an autistic guy. I live for truth. You have chosen the worst possible person to try to shame into playing your psychopathic games.

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