Guys how do you come out to your girlfriend about being a map and about having tons of loli hentai and shota hentai in your sock drawer? And don't tell me "you don't", assuming you DID have to tell her, how would you tell her in the most diplomatic way possible, designed to generate the most empathy.

I don't even care if you're a fed, or just a pedo.
Either way, the cure is the same.

I get it, the money is tight, but aren't you seriously ashamed? You give nothing to society. You're not making it safer. You are just talking to guys who are already down, trying to ruin their lives even more.

Just quit your job you fucking parasite
"You give nothing to society." Are you stupid? If they work a job they are giving something to society.
"You're not making it safer." Neither are you.
"You are just talking to guys who are already down, trying to ruin their lives even more." Pot meet kettle.


@Lana @Jazzy_Butts
Don't worry, all the points for that fed work for you too.

You are a useless cog in a machine made to create problems. An average street whore is helping humanity more then you.

@Lana @Jazzy_Butts
I seriously don't care if you are a fed or a pedofile.

Either way, no words exist that would be below your current status. Insulting you is beyond the capabilities of english language.

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