I think the reason why I love art deco so much is because it it represents modernism mixed in with inspirations from all of history only taking the best parts.

It also revels in the idea of glamor beauty an exceptionalism while also keeping everything practical and easy to use.

I still feel like we don't have any style that even comes close to this.

I also feel like this was the ultimate expression of pure Americana because it was inspired from all around the world but permanently featured in the USA even though it originated from France.


I hate art deco so much.
It represents the death of exceptionalim, since it's i.age is used as a baseline. Beauty of nature and any humane elements have been removed and replaced by the same form of metal.

@LukeAlmighty I definitely understand what you mean by the lack of nature, but I have to disagree that it does promote exceptionalism because it only picks out the best parts from all around the world.

That's why you have a bunch of mixed stuff with art deco like stained glass, Egyptian hieroglyphics, wallpaper or cut marble.

But I will admit it is probably the closest to the first interpretation of modernism.

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