
Seriously though, what is with the Japanese obsession with killing gods?

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@Jens_Rasmussen @LukeAlmighty I think it has more to do with achieving a near impossible goal.

In European folklore, we'd defeat supernatural enemies via a legendary enchanted weapon. Europeans are gifted their power.

In Asian folklore, it was personal growth and training.
What higher test of skill is there than defeating a supernatural being?
@RaHoWaJoe @LukeAlmighty There's an element of killing the gods "to become truly free" every time, as if the gods are some arbitrary rulers. To be fair, they often are in Japanese mythology.
@Jens_Rasmussen @LukeAlmighty So little bit of column A, little bit of column B from the sound of it.

@LukeAlmighty Difference in myth/lost in translation. Kami isn't a god like Yahweh. Kami is more like a powerful spirit.

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