
This is the most retarded description of any phenomena I have ever read.

So, there is no 1 way to think. Ok.
Neurodiversity is, when you think different way, then the one that doesn't exist. :blobhuh:
Oh, it also include people who are gifted :pepeDread:
And obviously people who are retarded :kekw:

Thank you... Now I feel absolutely informed.

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@LukeAlmighty "There is no one "right" way of thinking, learning and behaving." Hitler wasn't evil, he was just neodiverse!

@LukeAlmighty As someone who is gifted I can confirm that these people who write these things are fucking retarded.
I work with one person that fits precisely the definition of condition they call "gifted" and it's really interesting to see how they think and what do they need to be productive. It's quite different from the general population.

(Agreed that the description is BS)

Absolutely. I work with many of them, and let's be honest, I am on the edge.

But I have given up on progressives entierly, because they care about autism only as long as they manage to not say-do someting in microscopically different way, then they expect to be a social norm.

- I don't hate him, because he's autistic, I want him fired, because he's RUDE. He didn't loook to my eyes the correct duration of time.

Bitch, this is the tollerance, you keep posting on FB about for 3h a day during your payed "break".

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