Debate with Zelinsky:
First thing Destiny comments on:
But why isn't the interviewer critisizing Russia?

3rd thing he says:
But why isn't the interviewer thinking about Putin?

Niddle of conversation:
Shouldn't he be blaming Russia instead?

Is Zelinsky even in the room, or are you just looking at Putin's shadow? Does Zelinsky even posess free will? Can he possibly do a bad moral action at this point?

@LukeAlmighty Am I understanding this right, are you watching Destiny? Are your neurons ok? I'm worried for you.

Do you realize, that I am on Fedi?
What in the world could have possibly brought you to believe, that my neurons could anywhere close to ok?

@LukeAlmighty Good point. Still, I refuse to subject myself to people like Destiny directly. If he says something even close to being important or interesting, I know there will be more sane people I follow that will cover him. That's more than enough exposure for me.

Don't worry, I don't watch him much either, but from time to time, the other content dries up, and I give him a quick look.

And he I usually switch after 15 min max, since he's really bad at explaining shit.


Ok... I said that incorrectly.
He might be ok at explaining shit. But his world view is so flat, that you coulddn't walk on it without slipping.

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