I don't do this often, but this woman deserves it...

That fucking NIGGER!!!!

@LukeAlmighty She fucking retarded. Some places are indeed not suited for the boxes but she pick the most retarded places ever to fight over

My problem is, that the boxes do measurabely improve the lives of their users. It's this, or to wait 45 minutes in the post office, that is on the other side of the town... GREAT JOB 👍

When it comes to aesthetics, sure... She could work on a law limiting the legal advert placements, but this box barely has a logo to begin with.


@j @matrix
Imagine post office, where you can get your package, but average wait time is 30s instead of 30 minutes... And it doesn't gossip.

It also works on QR now, so you don't even have to put in the password. You just come, scan, and the box opens with your package ready to be taken away.

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