Who could have seen this coming?

@Anonsfw @j
Isn't it though?
Think about the benefit. We are talking about literally skipping the hardest challange in life, while also maximalizing the length of life you can spend in that perfect body.

Yes, it costs a lot, but I would not dare to say it's not worth it, without seeing the person first.

@LukeAlmighty @Anonsfw @j Except when you get rekt by pancreatic cancer. Seeing my mom waste away into nothing from cancer, I rather be fat.

@wingedhussar @Anonsfw @j
I am sorry for your loss.

My point was though, that when you look like me, and one day wish to have a family, it is either a) bet everything or b) there is no B.

@LukeAlmighty @j If it causes damage to your body at a good percentage rather taking the route of actually working through the fat, it isn't worth taking pills and undergo what this girl went through. You may lose your fat but you may not see a far future.
That pelvis headed Rocky Dennison was able to describe color to that blind chick.
@Anonsfw @LukeAlmighty @j The other thing is that the process of working through the fat also sets you up for healthy habits in the future, and the first six or so months of it has a good chance of packing muscle on you that you'll want in old age.

In addition, you *probably* do this in a way that gets you out of the house, more social, and all of that good stuff. Literally just grabbing a yoga mat and going down to a free hippy intro yoga class does wonders.
@LukeAlmighty @ceo_of_monoeye_dating @j Luke, you can do it. You can manage to take the baby steps to trying to lose weight. Whether it be starting off by drinking water or walking a little bit. It all steamrolls into you gaining habits that will benefit you.
Just put the fork down, fattie. It's literally that easy to lose weight 😏
@Sergio4ever @LukeAlmighty @Anonsfw @j This is what people say, but paradoxically I lost far more weight by eating steak and mushrooms than anything else I tried.

Definitely filling your stomach full of hard-to-digest protein and filling fungus is a great way to drop a huge pile of fat.
@Anonsfw @LukeAlmighty @j The magic beans had unintended consequences? They should really warn people that shortcuts to your desires often work this way, like a parable or something.
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