To this day, I have no fucking idea how could Trans debate hone so insanely wrong. No matter how long I do spend on the topic, I cannot wrap my head around this madness, but the more interesting part is, just how little good faith debate there actually is on the topic.
Fuck... Even on Abortion, there is some gray zone. I do not belong to either camp, because I know, that both sides are trying to pointlessly escalate their position to push the overton window. But the base arguments are clear. But with the trans debate, I don't even know the last time I heard 2 people try to compate the baselines.
I noticed the breaking point, when they switched from talking about "gender roles" to "gender".
They mean the same thing, and when they complained about the roles assigned to them because of their gender, that all made sense. But then, they just made the switch, and literally all of the internal logic broke.
@LukeAlmighty @ChristiJunior
The ironic part is that this same group destroyed traditional gender role definitions, and now can't stand the lack of the roles being defined - or being defined by the most toxic and insipid "role model" for that respective gender. This is further amplified by their hate of good role models, as they exhibit a positive demonstration of the traditional gender roles. There can be no good faith talk about this, as it requires Marxist conviction to be accepted.