New NPC programming just dropped.

> Europeans have a different conceptions of the freedom then the US.

J.D. Vance had a speech in European parlament recently, where he brought up a sharp critique of the EU, saying, that many nations do not share one of the most important American values, and that future cooperation will be complicated, if the US cannot see us as an equal civilized partnet without that rights. That right obviously being freedom of speech.

And, the European politicians understood, that he was correct. Majority of European nations not only do have many insane hate speech laws, but also some of them (UK) are pursuing them to an extend even higher then fucking Russia. So, what can they do to safe the face? They fucking started wordbending.

Their new claim is, that Europeans are just as free as Americans, because.... our conception of freedom is tied to free healthcare and education, not free speech.

I am not kidding. They seriously switched socialist and state enforced payment system for public services, and compared it to a human right to speak your mind. The logic? Well, the ammount you pay is 0, so it's free. And when noone is opressing you, you are "free". See? It's the same word. Nonoe cares, that in entierly different context, meaning, or even the fact, that these two things are not exclusionary towards each other in the slightest. No...... We don't need free speech, because our education is just as free.

You cannot make this clown shit up. And I am supposed to be proud of these assholes?

@LukeAlmighty Negative vs Positive rights are a basic distinction that so many don't get.

I'm not actually opposed to certain positive rights of sorts, a child has a right to a caring father and mother, and husband and wife are obligated to each other to fulfill their respective roles.

But this doesn't scale to state in the same way, religious comunes like monasteries have functioned within both feudal and capitalist states. But comunes are unable to self-subsist outside these supporting systems. In contrast South Africa collapses, yet Orania can completely self-subsist with no external systems.

Positive rights are dependent on someone being obligated to provide you something, in marriage you opt to make a mutual contract, and childbirth is followed by rearing. In the case of state, your just kind of bound by a "social contract" apparently signed by your forefather's ghost.

Congratulations, you took the bait and ate it completely.

Obvioulsy I know the difference, but just the fact, that you have a positive right A does not mean, that you can completely ignore an unrelated negative right B.

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