what if americans made their own burgernet and made their own language seperate from english so we never have to see americans ever again

@lina You best start believin' in Burgernet……you're living in it!

@adiz nah, if it was the burgernet there'd be nothing more but sportsball and american politics and mass hysteria over metricGODS
the internet needs to heal and it will require exiling all the politicsniggers into a trash compactor and then dumping liquid nitrogen on them all

@lina @adiz
No, you are in Burger net. There is also Pivo net, that starts at seznam.cz :D

@LukeAlmighty @adiz nah, this here is definitely a crossroads that burgernet is trying to encroach upon by bringing burger politics and other bullshit nobody normal cares about into, and it's unfortunately working look at all the mastotroons from europe who care more about american politics than their own
@lina @LukeAlmighty @adiz also the leaves now nationalistic about a country that's replacing them with indians 🤣
@PurpCat @LukeAlmighty @adiz after being completely against nationalism in any of its shapes for decades
@adiz @PurpCat @LukeAlmighty yea it's like a gayer, larping offshoot of america, which is surprising how they managed to be gayer than america but i guess they made it their mission to outgay americans
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