Because Disney Star Wars is made for horny women with 0 brain power, who need video game mechanics in storytelling.
First off:
She is literally a mystery meat in the show too, so WOW... You have no idea how perfect of a description that is.
Second: Because they are racistsm who ignore all non-humans in the galaxy.
@Curvin @LukeAlmighty this reminded me for some reason about how they didn't put ANY ALIENS IN STARFIELD
BTW, I remember quite clearly when I was a kid, that even though, I clearly knew what a race is, I remember not seeing Mace Windu as a black person. The concept literally didn't connect, until I heard somewhere, that he was played by Samuel L Jackson.
Because, that is the power of fictional story telling. It can envelop you in a world, where these concepts do not matter.
Well, that used to be the good old cannon.
Then Disney changed it to Lightsaber bleeding (insanely hard and focused proccess, that corrupted it through pouring hatred and pain into it)
But then..... Because Disney writers is retarded, and they do not understand the concept of effort, they made it literally a passive buff in the show. She did it literally unwillingly just by holding the lightsabet.
So, yeah. Now it literally bleeds your crstal, when an evil hand touches it.
@LukeAlmighty He didn't murder them you see? It was just late-term abortions.