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I was just testing my PC power with a quick render (to ensure my RAM is ok)... Well, it took about an hour, but nothing had crashed and the quality seems above anything I will need any time soon... (bigger scale at:

I have been working at my homework for hours... Any XML expert who can confirm to me, if the teacher is trolling me?

⚠️ NEW LAW ⚠️

You will be homeless in 9 hours...

BTW, we're still debating the law, so some changes might still be possible. Please, wait paciently for further changes. WTF???? :afire: :afire: :afire: :angry_pepe: :afire: :afire: :afire:

Ok, That is enough.

I have a profile on deviantart. They not only had the complete insolence to change my profile by including pronouns, but even worse. Since I had no such stupid settings prior to their complete faggotery, they just went and used a default they/them on MY PROFILE!!! :drink:
Just let them burn already.

Our civilization needs more shamans like 5 years ago, or it will be unable to recognise wider cultural shifts in a psychological concepts and their affects on our perception.

Half of our population got fat and nobody noticed. How are we supposed to react to AI based changes in the fabric of our cultures? We're fucked on so many levels and I am just beggining to scrape the surface of this shit...

It's about time to finally fix this huge mistake and watch this...

What's a series that you have postponed way too long?

Ok, I am still lib right :smug:
At least this side did not make me a nazi.

But about 1/2 of the questions are totally inadequate to mean anything.

Economic Left/Right: 8.5
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -0.1

Taking a political compass again and... How the fuck is this question political?

So, I have finally found some time to watch the Final Final Final season of the clone wars.

I was not totally disappointed. While some obvious changes were made by disney for the sole purpuse of pissing me personally off, the rest of it was good.

Action was turned up to 13 for some reason, and I am not exactly a huge fan of that, but at least I cannot say that the suspense was not there. It was really a good ride.

I think I am slowly starting to get the hang of blender.

I know, it is not perfect, but I did this without any use of sculpting, and I know shit about human anatomy.

I have bought a new PC about 3 months ago.

I cannot believe I haven't tried this a lot sooner. It's time to try it...

I have a question... Should they be tested before or after the Joe Rogan debate?

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.