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What do you mean by "a bug"... Isn't this how the situation should look like?

Also, damn... These guys are fast...
(I'm not clicking that though.... I think I might want at least some chance in front of the gates yet.)

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When R34 artists find out, that there are now 2 anime styled female christianity mascots.

I think this bro actually broke yet enother part of the code. Yet, it was so obvious.

I am actually unironically getting sick of the saints row color scheme already. Not everything needs to be purple, especially a fucking Dark fantasy.

Gotta love how she unironically thinks, that she is saying something philosophical.

Did you know, that rape is bad??? Well, here's the issue. So is murder. Why do I feel, like her DND campaigns also contain murders?

I love, how special do these NPC bitches feel about rape in their necromancy-enhanced mass murder simulations.

To jsem netušil, že na novinkách už dávají popupy vládního názoru.

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At one point, I was actually quite scared of the backlash actually selling the game more then it's original reputation.

Good to know, that we have finally a definitive proof, that bad publicity is in fact not a good thing.

Tak je to potvrzené. mám 53 let, podprůměrné vzdělání a odmítám myšlenky :kekw:

Mimochodem, toto je opravdu bizár. Místo toho, aby se zeptali na 15 faktorů ohledně globálního oteplování se zeptají na tu samou otázku 15krát.

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