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What is the saddest regression in modern game mechanics? 

I'll go first.
Racing games no longer offer a tournament modes with progressive upgrade systems, where after each race, you are actually rewarded for being the best with money, that you can spend on getting a better gear.

This is something I used to think was a fairy tale, but I cannot believe, that it's an actual part of the life.

I didn't see it as a kid, since the world is just that cruel, but I guess healing is a long process after all.

Well, at least it finally does feel like I am alive a little.

Not too much. Definitely not enough to be happy, but enough to know things are getting better.

Art bt miura-n315

Damn, I feel like fedposting so hard right now.........

Have a nice and beautiful day.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.