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Ochrana dětí před propagací LGBT.

A tak mi sakra řekněte, koho v tom bordelu mám volit?

Ok... I know it's a random clip...

But I think I just changed some of my opinions to much worse ones in a single sentence.

Why are so many people complaining about this. Does this seriously look to you guys as an example of uglyfication?

> It is such a quiet thing, to fall. But far more terrible is to admit it.

I don't even remember the last time I heard writing this good in a game or a movie. That's so horrible.

It is not nostalgia, the western writing had really fallen that low in such a short time.

I guess that's one way to go around the "no female custodes" rule...

It might not be a man, but as long as it isn't female, it still counts, right?

I think, I might start using this to form the most accurate insults you piss suckers.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.